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Shred and Tear: Explosive Kajun

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Shred and Tear: Explosive Kajun Porno Spielbericht

Warning! An alien force called TEABAG Empire (Tentamon Enslaved & Astronautic Bio Armed Galactica) has invaded the Earth. They are abducting living beings on the planet to use them as fuel or assimilate into HAKAM (Heavy Augmented & Killing Assimilated-Machines).

But fret not, I am Gnochi, a special agent from the rebel group of Tentamon called GCUP (Guerrilla Comrades & Unification Partisan). I have sneaked into the TEABAG conversion facility on Earth and rescued our brave heroine, Kajun-chan, from their clutches. Together, we can fight back and topple the Empire.

I'm writing to prep you for the impending battle.

Brace yourself for an onslaught of heart-pounding adrenaline as Kajun-chan unleashes her fury upon legions of Tentamons. The carnage she wreaks in her relentless, surreal Hack n' Slash style is more than just a game—it is a test of your mettle.

Shred and Tear: Explosive Kajun Details

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Shred and Tear: Explosive Kajun Galerie

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Shred and Tear: Explosive Kajun Kommentare

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