Animated visual novel adventure filled with dangers, story twists and fuck!
Eddy Bear Series is a multiple-episode animated visual novel in a comic style that brings the player on an adventure of Cammy a naughty teen who runs away from home to fulfil her dream of becoming a singer. The story is told from a perspective of a teddy bear — Cammy's toy friend that is always with her. Follow their adventure with lots of massive sex on the way.
As innocent as is sounds, the Cammy will actually get into trouble on her journey. She will get framed for a murder, escape to Mexico and will have some dangerous encounters.
This story is an adventure, with a linear progression and minimal interaction from a player. It's better defined as an animated adult comic that you can enjoy playing one-handed.
There are 30+ short episodes collected into volumes: The Prequel Vol.1, The Prequel Vol.2, Full Volume 1 and Full Volume 2
The Eddy Bear Series features a unique art style with exaggerated body parts and muscled characters, daring outfits and bright colours. The lewds are very kinky and slightly hardcore, with a range of sex fetishes including, DP, threesomes and futanari.