Wake up 1,000 years into the future of Kanto, a land ravaged by metallic monsters known as the Tekki, who destroyed the world as we know it. Awakened by the remnants of a world that is now reminiscent of ancient Japan, you have knowledge of the past and can help to reboot this fantasy world.
If you’re looking for a game packed with sex animations and scenes, you might be disappointed. But if you want an engaging and rewarding eroge story that rewards your interaction, as you romance the lead characters, then Kunado Chronicles does just that. Erotic scenes are there, but it’s the story and narrative that really shines through and gives them purpose.
This is a strange world with unique settings and interactions, kind of like a interactive novel as the narrative unfolds, discovering more about how society has evolved. The people of Kanto have developed superpowers, shaping the place of each person in that society, including the Eight Swords and the character you play, tasked with defending everyone from the malevolent threat of the Tekki.
Given that your primary task as lead protagonist Shin is to bring “Hope and Happiness” to Kanto, use your own emerging powers to influence the girls you meet. Which individual girls you choose to romance is up to you, opening up new pathways in the story that will unlock sexual scenes as each relationship blossoms.
The depth of the story and interactions in Kunado Chronicles is a rare treat in porn games, delving much deeper than just the varied erotic scenes. What really excels is the engaging world-building and character development, adding personality to the romances as you guide them along, rewarded with richly detailed artistic CG renders and scenes.